I can’t believe a month has past. And I can’t BELIEVE I HAVE A 10-PAGE GROUP PAPER DUE TOMORROW.
It’s insane. I’m really tired of thinking about this paper. I just want it to be done. I’m feeling the pain of junior year WRITING at SUA outside of SUA. But, I’ll endure. I can’t let my group down.
Aside from that I realized the Spanish language is much easier to learn in Spanish. I understand a lot of the concepts much better than when professors try to explain them to me in English. However, I also think my English is slowly degenerating and my vocabulary is slowly slipping. I took a practice verbal GRE test.
It was not good.
What a way to end September, right?
With a new outlook of the future, and hope brimming with rays and rays of suffocating sunshine.
[please note the sarcasm…]
Day 71: ...still in the process of doing a major update...
As the title says, I'm still in the process of doing a massive update on this blog. Maybe after Wednesday, I'll be good and up-to-date. Yay, for midterms (pt.1) week! X_X
I came to a nice realization today in class. Cinema is a very humanistic art. The fact that its life has the subjectivity to change is amazing, giving any one subject the opportunity to change, up until death. However, the moment the subject dies, the state of the subject cannot be changed.
Applied now: Let's say there's a bad character in a movie. Throughout the movie, the subjectivity of this bad character allows him to change for the good, if he choose to be. He can change and become a good person. However, he could also not change and die, and he'll forever be branded as the bad character. Cinema allows the possibility to change up until the last moment of life.
Isn't that great.
Cinema as the humanistic art of the 21st century. I believe I can change the world with this.
On a different note: I HATE WRITING PAPERS... IN SPANISH
I came to a nice realization today in class. Cinema is a very humanistic art. The fact that its life has the subjectivity to change is amazing, giving any one subject the opportunity to change, up until death. However, the moment the subject dies, the state of the subject cannot be changed.
Applied now: Let's say there's a bad character in a movie. Throughout the movie, the subjectivity of this bad character allows him to change for the good, if he choose to be. He can change and become a good person. However, he could also not change and die, and he'll forever be branded as the bad character. Cinema allows the possibility to change up until the last moment of life.
Isn't that great.
Cinema as the humanistic art of the 21st century. I believe I can change the world with this.
On a different note: I HATE WRITING PAPERS... IN SPANISH
Week 11: Pushing A Rock Up A Hill
Day 62: Fall 2008 SUA Buenos Aires, Argentina Study Abroaders UNITE!
Finally, Buenos Aires study abroaders from Soka UNITED!
It didn’t occur to me till now just how much all of us are growing from study abroad. It’s so crazy. People can actually change in the span of a few months.
Erika and I first met up in the Juramento Plaza where they had a feria. I walked into the plaza and I thought it was…snowing. Turns out it was just stuff from the trees drifting down. XD Yep, so we walked around the feria looking at what they were selling and then we met up with Kelsey.
We ate at a place near the plaza where beef was less than $8. And it was good. Really good. Mm. I’m craving it now. Anyway, it was great to be able to talk about Argentina and sharing the where-to’s, the how-to’s and places that are good to visit. It also brought back a little touch of home, SUA, for all of us I’m sure.
Hearing things about Salta, especially, made me want to visit once before I go back. It’s a 20-hour bus ride, so it’s kinda far… kinda.
I can’t believe their program is almost over… I still have nearly another 2 months after they’re done. It’s insane. They get to go off and travel.
I have classes, midterms, and finals.
It didn’t occur to me till now just how much all of us are growing from study abroad. It’s so crazy. People can actually change in the span of a few months.
Erika and I first met up in the Juramento Plaza where they had a feria. I walked into the plaza and I thought it was…snowing. Turns out it was just stuff from the trees drifting down. XD Yep, so we walked around the feria looking at what they were selling and then we met up with Kelsey.
We ate at a place near the plaza where beef was less than $8. And it was good. Really good. Mm. I’m craving it now. Anyway, it was great to be able to talk about Argentina and sharing the where-to’s, the how-to’s and places that are good to visit. It also brought back a little touch of home, SUA, for all of us I’m sure.
Hearing things about Salta, especially, made me want to visit once before I go back. It’s a 20-hour bus ride, so it’s kinda far… kinda.
I can’t believe their program is almost over… I still have nearly another 2 months after they’re done. It’s insane. They get to go off and travel.
I have classes, midterms, and finals.
Week 09: Playing Catch-Up
Day 61: The World Stops for COPA… SERIOUSLY
There’s nothing BETTER than needing to wake up at 6 in the morning on a Friday when one HAS NO CLASS. Absolutely nothing.
I had the second part of my visa thing today. I overheard someone from my program talking, and I absolutely agree: by the time we get our visas, we’d only have 50-some days left in Argentina. And even so, apparently if we were to travel outside of Argentina during the semester, we could just continue studying here WITHOUT a visa because a tourist can stay a max of 90 days.
So, I met up with two people in my program to go to this visa place. We got there at 7:30 [we were supposed to meet at 8] and there was already a line of at least 50 people. We were about to get in line when this guy who had some connection with our program said we had to wait for him. So we waited…and waited…
But, it was cool. I got to talk to people inside and outside of my program. For a moment, when I was talking to people, I wanted to stay for a year because just hearing how well these people spoke was amazing. But, I don’t think I could stay a year. It’s too much.
So anyway, when we were finally allowed to go in, after almost 45 minutes of waiting in the cold, we were met with another huge mass of people. Literally it was a little past 8 and it looked like there were people waiting for a concert to happen or something. We skipped past them and we were sat down to wait for our papers and stuff.
The process itself was BORING. I’m glad I did get there earlier, because I did get priority. I was third in line within my program. So they stamped this and that, and took down my info. I paid 200 pesos and I thought I was done. I seriously thought, till 3pm my ass… I’m already done.
Then the lady tells me to go past these doors and wait for my name to be called. I was like okay.
When I go in, there’s seriously about 8 people, nada mas. So, someone please explain to me why my name didn’t get called till noon. Out of nowhere all these people were getting called before me, and they had just walked in… Luckily I brought my homework, but I fell asleep reading it…waiting.
And my name was the first to get called in from my program, so I didn’t expect to hear my name, right. I snort awake and look around, dumbfounded, before everyone in my program were like “FINALLY” and then gesturing me to desk.
So, you would think all this waiting would amount to something really awesome. No.
It was a piece of paper and they just took my thumbprint. That’s it…
I think I would’ve spent those 4-5 hours much better…cuz after that, I just ended up sleeping the rest of the day. Yay. What a waste.
I had the second part of my visa thing today. I overheard someone from my program talking, and I absolutely agree: by the time we get our visas, we’d only have 50-some days left in Argentina. And even so, apparently if we were to travel outside of Argentina during the semester, we could just continue studying here WITHOUT a visa because a tourist can stay a max of 90 days.
So, I met up with two people in my program to go to this visa place. We got there at 7:30 [we were supposed to meet at 8] and there was already a line of at least 50 people. We were about to get in line when this guy who had some connection with our program said we had to wait for him. So we waited…and waited…
But, it was cool. I got to talk to people inside and outside of my program. For a moment, when I was talking to people, I wanted to stay for a year because just hearing how well these people spoke was amazing. But, I don’t think I could stay a year. It’s too much.
So anyway, when we were finally allowed to go in, after almost 45 minutes of waiting in the cold, we were met with another huge mass of people. Literally it was a little past 8 and it looked like there were people waiting for a concert to happen or something. We skipped past them and we were sat down to wait for our papers and stuff.
The process itself was BORING. I’m glad I did get there earlier, because I did get priority. I was third in line within my program. So they stamped this and that, and took down my info. I paid 200 pesos and I thought I was done. I seriously thought, till 3pm my ass… I’m already done.
Then the lady tells me to go past these doors and wait for my name to be called. I was like okay.
When I go in, there’s seriously about 8 people, nada mas. So, someone please explain to me why my name didn’t get called till noon. Out of nowhere all these people were getting called before me, and they had just walked in… Luckily I brought my homework, but I fell asleep reading it…waiting.
And my name was the first to get called in from my program, so I didn’t expect to hear my name, right. I snort awake and look around, dumbfounded, before everyone in my program were like “FINALLY” and then gesturing me to desk.
So, you would think all this waiting would amount to something really awesome. No.
It was a piece of paper and they just took my thumbprint. That’s it…
I think I would’ve spent those 4-5 hours much better…cuz after that, I just ended up sleeping the rest of the day. Yay. What a waste.
Week 09: Playing Catch-Up
Day 60: Rush of Blood to the Head
So two other people and I turned in a paper today for Panorama de Lit. It was a group paper on the comparison of the Odyssey and the Aneid. There were only 3 questions, and it was pretty damn easy. Awesome.
One thing I’ve definitely gotten used to and I realized today was the fact that I can walk faster without gasping for breath. And that’s with carrying my laptop too. Although it’s a pain to stuff myself into the subway cart in the mornings, it’s totally worth bringing my laptop to class.
So, why did I bring it especially today?
For my show biz class, I had a paper (10 lines) about the No-Places and Violence, and another on my pre-thesis. I worked on it a little in between Pan de Lit and Intro, but I had to run home because I’ve still yet to buy a friggin converter for my adapter.
When I get home, I realize I didn’t like my thesis topic. So I changed it. It’s now Representation and Stereotypes of Asians in North American Cinema. Pretty interesting right? Yea, hopefully.
Anyway, what’s amazing is, I was able to finish both of these in the span of 2 hours. Both a page each and in Spanish. I’d say, that’s pretty awesome accomplishment [don’t judge me, I’m special].
So, I leave early to rush to the fotocopiadora near my school and ask them to print. I was so excited, because I was on top of it. I was ready to start class. I was so happy I got caught up. It was the greatest feeling.
And the professor ended up not showing.
Which was okay, I guess. It was a needed break for me most definitely. Actually, it was more of a little present. XD
However, because I hadn’t done a presentation thus far in class, my name was one of the few that got called to get my pre-thesis read and analyzed. So throughout the first part of class I was panicking, thinking my thing was going to be read. Luckily, the people in the class were asking other thing about the thesis SO we didn’t read it the first part of class.
And I ran away during break.
One thing I’ve definitely gotten used to and I realized today was the fact that I can walk faster without gasping for breath. And that’s with carrying my laptop too. Although it’s a pain to stuff myself into the subway cart in the mornings, it’s totally worth bringing my laptop to class.
So, why did I bring it especially today?
For my show biz class, I had a paper (10 lines) about the No-Places and Violence, and another on my pre-thesis. I worked on it a little in between Pan de Lit and Intro, but I had to run home because I’ve still yet to buy a friggin converter for my adapter.
When I get home, I realize I didn’t like my thesis topic. So I changed it. It’s now Representation and Stereotypes of Asians in North American Cinema. Pretty interesting right? Yea, hopefully.
Anyway, what’s amazing is, I was able to finish both of these in the span of 2 hours. Both a page each and in Spanish. I’d say, that’s pretty awesome accomplishment [don’t judge me, I’m special].
So, I leave early to rush to the fotocopiadora near my school and ask them to print. I was so excited, because I was on top of it. I was ready to start class. I was so happy I got caught up. It was the greatest feeling.
And the professor ended up not showing.
Which was okay, I guess. It was a needed break for me most definitely. Actually, it was more of a little present. XD
However, because I hadn’t done a presentation thus far in class, my name was one of the few that got called to get my pre-thesis read and analyzed. So throughout the first part of class I was panicking, thinking my thing was going to be read. Luckily, the people in the class were asking other thing about the thesis SO we didn’t read it the first part of class.
And I ran away during break.
Week 09: Playing Catch-Up
Day 59: The Universe is Telling Me Something
“Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old Time is still a-flying,
And this same flower that smiles today
Tomorrow will be dying.”
- Robert Herrick
Today, my Panorama de Literatura professor recited this to emphasize the concept of carpe diem, while introducing the renaissance. The way she recited it was absolute awe-inspiring. I think one thing that came and went today was my motivation. After hearing this quote in class, I was really pumped and was ready for anything coming my way.
There’s actually great meaning [or at least I think so] that this quote was brought up today because on my way to la FUC and waiting for the crosswalk to turn green, I saw a pigeon just walking around one of the cars, and without a second’s notice, it was run over. It put life into a perspective. Our lives can end just like that, without a moment’s notice, and the things we’ve done, the things we’ve said, everything stays at that. There’s no chance to apologize, to change what could’ve been.
It’s a pit full of regret just waiting to be fallen into.
Carpe diem. Live each moment as if it’s the last, because realmente, it’s so easy to die. Just living through a day is an accomplishment, and it’s something that we take for granted, something that we simply don’t appreciate enough. It means that you were able overcome what today brought you, and you’re ready for the next challenges.
Some days when I’m here, I feel so defeated, I wish for tomorrow to never come. But, what good does that do for me? Time will still move; the sun will still rise; and it will be tomorrow again, today. Life is so precious and yet I haven’t taken it seriously. Seeing something die in front of me so flawlessly definitely set things into motion for me.
Yet, I’m still seemingly defeated but things I shouldn’t be – I can somehow find a parallel between SA and the first semester at SUA [actually it’s almost uncanny how similar the two are]. There are moments I feel content being here and there are other moments when I just want to break loose and run away.
And then, things like past thoughts [como Herrick’s poem] bring it back to reason. “Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying, And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying.” Each day is a memory waiting to be created. Each moment that we spend may not last till tomorrow, but surely those memories will keep them alive.
Oh, how I miss romanticism.
Old Time is still a-flying,
And this same flower that smiles today
Tomorrow will be dying.”
- Robert Herrick
Today, my Panorama de Literatura professor recited this to emphasize the concept of carpe diem, while introducing the renaissance. The way she recited it was absolute awe-inspiring. I think one thing that came and went today was my motivation. After hearing this quote in class, I was really pumped and was ready for anything coming my way.
There’s actually great meaning [or at least I think so] that this quote was brought up today because on my way to la FUC and waiting for the crosswalk to turn green, I saw a pigeon just walking around one of the cars, and without a second’s notice, it was run over. It put life into a perspective. Our lives can end just like that, without a moment’s notice, and the things we’ve done, the things we’ve said, everything stays at that. There’s no chance to apologize, to change what could’ve been.
It’s a pit full of regret just waiting to be fallen into.
Carpe diem. Live each moment as if it’s the last, because realmente, it’s so easy to die. Just living through a day is an accomplishment, and it’s something that we take for granted, something that we simply don’t appreciate enough. It means that you were able overcome what today brought you, and you’re ready for the next challenges.
Some days when I’m here, I feel so defeated, I wish for tomorrow to never come. But, what good does that do for me? Time will still move; the sun will still rise; and it will be tomorrow again, today. Life is so precious and yet I haven’t taken it seriously. Seeing something die in front of me so flawlessly definitely set things into motion for me.
Yet, I’m still seemingly defeated but things I shouldn’t be – I can somehow find a parallel between SA and the first semester at SUA [actually it’s almost uncanny how similar the two are]. There are moments I feel content being here and there are other moments when I just want to break loose and run away.
And then, things like past thoughts [como Herrick’s poem] bring it back to reason. “Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying, And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying.” Each day is a memory waiting to be created. Each moment that we spend may not last till tomorrow, but surely those memories will keep them alive.
Oh, how I miss romanticism.
Week 09: Playing Catch-Up
Day 58: Sometimes I Make Myself Wonder…
First off, I would like to say: “oversleeping” is not synonymous for “being late,” though it is possible to use both in a cause and effect sentence. For example, “I am late because I overslept.” Today, I completely defied that. I definitely overslept [my alarm clock], but I made it on time for class. It’s one of those days when you find yourself waking up before your alarm clock and you fall asleep again, and then before you know it, the next time you wake up, you’re supposed to be half way towards the subway.
I ran… It was almost embarrassing, though I didn’t care at the time. It’s funny how I stress so easily. The moment I got to the university, I walked up to the door of my classroom and tugged on it for a while, thinking it was stuck. Nope. Just locked. And then, I texted my professor asking him where class was. Turns out he wasn’t even there yet. So, it was a big sigh of relief.
Anyway, I found myself thinking the ENTIRE day: “Think positive, Kusho. Positive, positive, positive!” This week is really shitty, I can already tell. I think it’s because I have so much to do for my classes. You know how there are some days when it seems that all of your professors [and only the professors YOU have] somehow coordinated to assign the most work, all during the SAME week.
Yeah. This is one of those weeks.
Literally, if you know what my pocket-size Moleskin notebook looks like, I have two full pages of things-to-dos. Argh. I hate my life right now. Yes, I’m being emo. Leave me be in my corner.
[dot dot dot]
So, here’s the thought that makes me wonder: the moment I jumped out of bed and ran my way to the subway, all I thought in was Spanish. “Mierda, mierda, mierda. Por qué me acosté tarde la noche pasada!” So… I think, somewhere between orientation and now, my mind made a switch. Or maybe it’s just because I didn’t have time to even flip a language switch and it just stuck to Spanish?
Whatever the case, I ended up speaking more Spanish in school today. Unfortunately, that led me to do a presentation by myself on one of the chapters of one of the readings for one of my hardest classes. -_-;;
At least I have 2 weeks to prepare.
I ran… It was almost embarrassing, though I didn’t care at the time. It’s funny how I stress so easily. The moment I got to the university, I walked up to the door of my classroom and tugged on it for a while, thinking it was stuck. Nope. Just locked. And then, I texted my professor asking him where class was. Turns out he wasn’t even there yet. So, it was a big sigh of relief.
Anyway, I found myself thinking the ENTIRE day: “Think positive, Kusho. Positive, positive, positive!” This week is really shitty, I can already tell. I think it’s because I have so much to do for my classes. You know how there are some days when it seems that all of your professors [and only the professors YOU have] somehow coordinated to assign the most work, all during the SAME week.
Yeah. This is one of those weeks.
Literally, if you know what my pocket-size Moleskin notebook looks like, I have two full pages of things-to-dos. Argh. I hate my life right now. Yes, I’m being emo. Leave me be in my corner.
[dot dot dot]
So, here’s the thought that makes me wonder: the moment I jumped out of bed and ran my way to the subway, all I thought in was Spanish. “Mierda, mierda, mierda. Por qué me acosté tarde la noche pasada!” So… I think, somewhere between orientation and now, my mind made a switch. Or maybe it’s just because I didn’t have time to even flip a language switch and it just stuck to Spanish?
Whatever the case, I ended up speaking more Spanish in school today. Unfortunately, that led me to do a presentation by myself on one of the chapters of one of the readings for one of my hardest classes. -_-;;
At least I have 2 weeks to prepare.
Week 09: Playing Catch-Up
Day 57: Re-determination… Doesn’t Come So Easily
I raced a pigeon today. Guess which one of us won. Me. Wanna know another pigeon no-joke? Why didn’t the pigeon have to cross the road? Because I kicked it to the other side. Seriously. I can step right next to a pigeon and it won’t fly away. No joke.
So, why do I start off on this random spiel about pigeons? Because, for some reason, there’s not much to talk about. I just want to run away from my surroundings and hide under a rock. It’s incredibly hard. I’m slowly beginning to realize just how hard it is to live. Yes, to live. We can die at any moment, but we can’t live fully without regrets without fully realizing and making each moment count.
I was really reluctant to leave my room today. But, then I thought, hey, what was the point of me coming here anyway. *dry look*
Right now, I’m stuck in a bind. I just need to plow through it. Somehow, all the while playing catch up. XP
On a good note, I found out I’m in the group where all my friends are for the Bariloche trip. It’s from Oct. 24-26. Something to look forward to in the coming month. XD
P.S. Things that should be watched:
SNL Skit - Sarah Palin & Hillary Clinton Open
Matt Damon Rips Sarah Palin
So, why do I start off on this random spiel about pigeons? Because, for some reason, there’s not much to talk about. I just want to run away from my surroundings and hide under a rock. It’s incredibly hard. I’m slowly beginning to realize just how hard it is to live. Yes, to live. We can die at any moment, but we can’t live fully without regrets without fully realizing and making each moment count.
I was really reluctant to leave my room today. But, then I thought, hey, what was the point of me coming here anyway. *dry look*
Right now, I’m stuck in a bind. I just need to plow through it. Somehow, all the while playing catch up. XP
On a good note, I found out I’m in the group where all my friends are for the Bariloche trip. It’s from Oct. 24-26. Something to look forward to in the coming month. XD
P.S. Things that should be watched:
SNL Skit - Sarah Palin & Hillary Clinton Open
Matt Damon Rips Sarah Palin
Week 09: Playing Catch-Up
Day 56: 100 Days Left
Wow. I can’t believe I’ve made it to my final triple-number day till I’m en route home. Tomorrow, it’ll be 99 days and then the day after it’ll be 98 till I’m home and it seems as if everything will roll down hill from here.
This week, my pallet has had more than enough of adventures. I’ve had Choripan and Greek chicken. Cow stomach and some kind of weird ham. It’s definitely been an adventure for my mouth. My eyes have had quite an adventure, too, looking at the menus like this one:

Honestly, I’m already mentally exhausted from academic work. I swear, I will never complain about academics again when I get back to the U.S. Nothing could ever be this hard and trying. And, I don’t think it’s completely a matter of difficulty as it is the amount of workload I get IN A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE. But, it’s a matter of tolerance.
I’ve become more patient, or at least more withholding when it comes to thoughts and feelings that may hurt other people. But, I’ve also become more open about feelings that I have for myself. I don’t think I’m in a constant denial with myself anymore, or at least as much as I used to be. It’s much easier to deal with myself. I don’t have warring consciousnesses that insist one thing over the other.
You know, I read somewhere: “The person who you’re with most in life is yourself and if you don’t like yourself you’re always with somebody you don’t like.” It’s taking myself to the next level. How much more comfortable can I get in my own skin? Will self-conscious thoughts and insecurities take away my freedom?
Today, I felt more like myself than ever before. I walked out on the streets with my touristy socks-and-slippers, sweatpants, and hoodie to go study with a few friends in the park. And I didn’t care. Some of the little things, the little habits that you thought you could do without, sometimes come to save you from losing yourself, from forgetting that little voice inside you that makes you who you are.
Everyday, we are faced with a mirror. The people we see, the streets we walk along, the environment we live in, everything has some reflection of something within you. The moment you change how you look at yourself on the inside, the way you see things outside change.
Today, the world was beautiful.
“I am beautiful // No matter what they say // Words can't bring me down // I am beautiful // In every single way // Yes words can't bring me down // So don't you bring me down today” – “Beautiful” – Christina Aguilera
End – Week 8: Side Notes
This week, my pallet has had more than enough of adventures. I’ve had Choripan and Greek chicken. Cow stomach and some kind of weird ham. It’s definitely been an adventure for my mouth. My eyes have had quite an adventure, too, looking at the menus like this one:
Honestly, I’m already mentally exhausted from academic work. I swear, I will never complain about academics again when I get back to the U.S. Nothing could ever be this hard and trying. And, I don’t think it’s completely a matter of difficulty as it is the amount of workload I get IN A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE. But, it’s a matter of tolerance.
I’ve become more patient, or at least more withholding when it comes to thoughts and feelings that may hurt other people. But, I’ve also become more open about feelings that I have for myself. I don’t think I’m in a constant denial with myself anymore, or at least as much as I used to be. It’s much easier to deal with myself. I don’t have warring consciousnesses that insist one thing over the other.
You know, I read somewhere: “The person who you’re with most in life is yourself and if you don’t like yourself you’re always with somebody you don’t like.” It’s taking myself to the next level. How much more comfortable can I get in my own skin? Will self-conscious thoughts and insecurities take away my freedom?
Today, I felt more like myself than ever before. I walked out on the streets with my touristy socks-and-slippers, sweatpants, and hoodie to go study with a few friends in the park. And I didn’t care. Some of the little things, the little habits that you thought you could do without, sometimes come to save you from losing yourself, from forgetting that little voice inside you that makes you who you are.
Everyday, we are faced with a mirror. The people we see, the streets we walk along, the environment we live in, everything has some reflection of something within you. The moment you change how you look at yourself on the inside, the way you see things outside change.
Today, the world was beautiful.
“I am beautiful // No matter what they say // Words can't bring me down // I am beautiful // In every single way // Yes words can't bring me down // So don't you bring me down today” – “Beautiful” – Christina Aguilera
End – Week 8: Side Notes
Day 55: Like a Scene from a Movie
Today is one of those days where I had to commit myself to a group study meeting for our cinematographic aesthetics class. We had to analyze a movie called Close Up by an Iranian director in the context of a reading we read. It wasn’t too bad.
I was walking down Palermo Soho, and it was probably one of the most beautiful and peaceful streets I had ever seen. It was quite and the sidewalks were lined with trees that shed their browning leaves. The air was crisp and cool, but the sun’s warmth complemented it nicely. The place we were meeting was a small book store with a small café that had an outside patio. Because there were 6 of us, we had to sit outside. But it was nice.
Like any group study situation [or at least I think], we did a little more than talk about what we needed to get done. In face, I think we worked for about a good hour talking about the movie and the texts, but the other 2 hours we spent just talking. It was cool and in Spanish, because one of the girls in the group is studying abroad from Spain.
The place felt homey. I wouldn’t mind taking the 15-minute subte there every day just to study there and have a nice cafecito and sandwich.

Tonight, I also went out with another friend for dinner. We went to the same place we went last week. While I thought it was name Humana, it’s actually Cumana. So, we went there, this time no waiting, because we went earlier and there were only two of us. My friend decided to be daring and ordered a dish called Mondongo Argentino and I just got Pastel de papa y lomo, which is essentially a thick stew with potatoes and beef.
So, when our food came, we both gave each other a little to try. I got a nice spoonful of my friends Mondongo and thought it was interesting. The meat sort of melted in my mouth and the texture was a lot like fat, but didn’t taste like it. Actually, to me it didn’t taste like anything except tomato and onions. So, we were enjoying our food till my friend gets about a quarter of the way through, and I see this slap of meat that literally looks like a thick piece of mesh fabric…or really squishy coral of some kind, just casually sitting in her bowl.
I was eating my dish because it was delicious, when my friend says “can you try this?” and puts another thing of interesting looking “meat” in my bowl, so I try it, and it tasted like nothing. I continued eating, but as I watched my friend poking around at the “coral-y thing” I started to feel a little sick. We had a discussion on what kind of meat it could be and how we should find out. After I had finished, my friend wondered whether she should just order empanadas. But, we ended up leaving and we got ice cream at Freddo’s instead.
We had a very deep conversation about “love” and relationships. It was very interesting to be talking about that again, so openly at that. And, I’ve finally found someone that will call me Kusho here. 8]
So, I get back to the apartment and I get a text from my friend. Apparently, what I stuck in my mouth twice was cow stomach. I swear I had lost my mind the moment I read that. Surprisingly, I recovered pretty quickly from the momentary freak out and just shrugged it off. As she said, “it would be something to brag about.”
It was an interesting night.

I was walking down Palermo Soho, and it was probably one of the most beautiful and peaceful streets I had ever seen. It was quite and the sidewalks were lined with trees that shed their browning leaves. The air was crisp and cool, but the sun’s warmth complemented it nicely. The place we were meeting was a small book store with a small café that had an outside patio. Because there were 6 of us, we had to sit outside. But it was nice.
Like any group study situation [or at least I think], we did a little more than talk about what we needed to get done. In face, I think we worked for about a good hour talking about the movie and the texts, but the other 2 hours we spent just talking. It was cool and in Spanish, because one of the girls in the group is studying abroad from Spain.
The place felt homey. I wouldn’t mind taking the 15-minute subte there every day just to study there and have a nice cafecito and sandwich.
Tonight, I also went out with another friend for dinner. We went to the same place we went last week. While I thought it was name Humana, it’s actually Cumana. So, we went there, this time no waiting, because we went earlier and there were only two of us. My friend decided to be daring and ordered a dish called Mondongo Argentino and I just got Pastel de papa y lomo, which is essentially a thick stew with potatoes and beef.
So, when our food came, we both gave each other a little to try. I got a nice spoonful of my friends Mondongo and thought it was interesting. The meat sort of melted in my mouth and the texture was a lot like fat, but didn’t taste like it. Actually, to me it didn’t taste like anything except tomato and onions. So, we were enjoying our food till my friend gets about a quarter of the way through, and I see this slap of meat that literally looks like a thick piece of mesh fabric…or really squishy coral of some kind, just casually sitting in her bowl.
I was eating my dish because it was delicious, when my friend says “can you try this?” and puts another thing of interesting looking “meat” in my bowl, so I try it, and it tasted like nothing. I continued eating, but as I watched my friend poking around at the “coral-y thing” I started to feel a little sick. We had a discussion on what kind of meat it could be and how we should find out. After I had finished, my friend wondered whether she should just order empanadas. But, we ended up leaving and we got ice cream at Freddo’s instead.
We had a very deep conversation about “love” and relationships. It was very interesting to be talking about that again, so openly at that. And, I’ve finally found someone that will call me Kusho here. 8]
So, I get back to the apartment and I get a text from my friend. Apparently, what I stuck in my mouth twice was cow stomach. I swear I had lost my mind the moment I read that. Surprisingly, I recovered pretty quickly from the momentary freak out and just shrugged it off. As she said, “it would be something to brag about.”
It was an interesting night.
Week 08: Side Notes
Day 54: Time Waits for No One
I met with Erika today and we decided to venture into the unknown…or at least for me. We took the colectivo [first time for me in…nearly 5 weeks] to La Boca where the famous colorful buildings are. It was cool. I saw water! …that smelled like the swamps in SWFL [which I miss]…for like 5 minutes before it smelled like bad pollution [which I don’t want to recall ever again]. Green Planet! Save Argentina!

Anyway, we got attacked by vendors of stands and hosts of restaurants. It was really annoying. There were about like 10 of ‘em that just came at us in a row asking us the same things. There was also this guy sitting in a chair named Diego and we could’ve taken a picture with… only thing is, we didn’t know who he was in terms of whether he was famous or not. XD So, it was funny. Cuz, we were like who would want to take a picture with some random guy and pay him for it. X_X
I really like the buildings here. They look much better in reality than the pics that you see in guide books and stuff. It’s definitely a must-see place if ever you’re in the Buenos Aires area.

Erika and I also bought a binder/album thing so we can put together something for the Founder. We’re gonna write letters and get some pictures printed and show him Argentina, through our eyes. A nice little project to run away to. XD
As my triple-digit number of days that I’m here slowly comes to a close, I’m beginning to realize just how crucial the time I spend in Argentina is. In the past 50-some days, what have I done? What have I accomplished while being here? During the week, each day passes like any other and studying takes my nights and weekends away. How can I keep up with my academics and enjoy Buenos Aires also? Is it even possible?
Some days I just wonder: will I regret anything, continuing the lifestyle that I’m so conditioned to live in right now? I want to go places, but time and money holds me back. Iguazu would be awesome; Tierra de Fuego would be even cooler. But, I shrug the thought off, save it for another day, all the while I don’t realize that it’s just procrastination laughing in my face, trapping me in karmic boundaries.
At this point, I don’t think I’ll regret anything, since I think I’m enjoying myself pretty freely, given the constraints I’m in. I’m beginning to say random Spanish phrases without thinking about them like “mas o menos” or “en serio” which is another step into language immersion. I used to have to think about that. At the same time, I feel that I can go further.
But how far can I go without breaking what I have? I’m feeling pressure from both ends: from the back because there’s not enough time, from the front because there’s too much to do.
All while this goes on, time waits for no one. Such cruelty.
Anyway, we got attacked by vendors of stands and hosts of restaurants. It was really annoying. There were about like 10 of ‘em that just came at us in a row asking us the same things. There was also this guy sitting in a chair named Diego and we could’ve taken a picture with… only thing is, we didn’t know who he was in terms of whether he was famous or not. XD So, it was funny. Cuz, we were like who would want to take a picture with some random guy and pay him for it. X_X
I really like the buildings here. They look much better in reality than the pics that you see in guide books and stuff. It’s definitely a must-see place if ever you’re in the Buenos Aires area.
Erika and I also bought a binder/album thing so we can put together something for the Founder. We’re gonna write letters and get some pictures printed and show him Argentina, through our eyes. A nice little project to run away to. XD
As my triple-digit number of days that I’m here slowly comes to a close, I’m beginning to realize just how crucial the time I spend in Argentina is. In the past 50-some days, what have I done? What have I accomplished while being here? During the week, each day passes like any other and studying takes my nights and weekends away. How can I keep up with my academics and enjoy Buenos Aires also? Is it even possible?
Some days I just wonder: will I regret anything, continuing the lifestyle that I’m so conditioned to live in right now? I want to go places, but time and money holds me back. Iguazu would be awesome; Tierra de Fuego would be even cooler. But, I shrug the thought off, save it for another day, all the while I don’t realize that it’s just procrastination laughing in my face, trapping me in karmic boundaries.
At this point, I don’t think I’ll regret anything, since I think I’m enjoying myself pretty freely, given the constraints I’m in. I’m beginning to say random Spanish phrases without thinking about them like “mas o menos” or “en serio” which is another step into language immersion. I used to have to think about that. At the same time, I feel that I can go further.
But how far can I go without breaking what I have? I’m feeling pressure from both ends: from the back because there’s not enough time, from the front because there’s too much to do.
All while this goes on, time waits for no one. Such cruelty.
Week 08: Side Notes
Day 53: Kusho and the Book of Baudrillard
I think I went to about 8 different book stores on Calle Florida looking for one, single book my Estetica y Teorias del Texto Espectaculo class today. And better yet, they were all part of the same chains too: Distal, Ateneo, Cuspide.
The first few places I went to I looked for the book myself in the philosophy and art sections. I couldn’t find them, so I started asking around. At first when I asked, I didn’t know how to say the name, but when I showed it to them, they knew exactly what I was talking about, but then they told me they didn’t have any copies.
I was so exhausted and so tired of saying the authors name and not being understood, but the second to last book store I went to referred me to another book store within their chain that had one copy. So I ran over there to get it, and ran to class [a good 20 blocks]. But yea. It was not fun. I think I’m set for not going into another book store in Argentina, though I think I highly doubt that… [oh, how I miss the campus bookstore].
Luckily, this morning I overslept and missed my 8am class. Usually, I would freak out about missing class, but today I didn’t. Actually, I take that back. I woke up at around 8:30 and then stopped caring a second later, because by the time I got there, class would’ve ended anyway. So, I took my time this morning, getting ready. I was able to PROPERLY clean my piercing today with antibacterial, and not just overly spray it with the antibiotic stuff after showering.
I think I hate Thursdays. The classes I have on Thursdays vary in difficulty. Pan de Lit is more or less easy because I’m kind of specialized in literature; Intro is just an intro to film and film culture of Argentina so I’m learning things in it; and Aesthetics and Theories is mecha hard and LONG [2 and half hours].
The book I was looking for was actually for that class, the re-dificil class. Last minute, right? I was supposed to read it for this class, but I didn’t have the time to look for the book, after I went to 3 book stores earlier this week to find it.
Anyway… it’s an interesting book, now that class ended and we touched upon it a little. I’m getting more and more materials for Capstone, which I’m definitely excited about [kinda].
The things I do for class.
The first few places I went to I looked for the book myself in the philosophy and art sections. I couldn’t find them, so I started asking around. At first when I asked, I didn’t know how to say the name, but when I showed it to them, they knew exactly what I was talking about, but then they told me they didn’t have any copies.
I was so exhausted and so tired of saying the authors name and not being understood, but the second to last book store I went to referred me to another book store within their chain that had one copy. So I ran over there to get it, and ran to class [a good 20 blocks]. But yea. It was not fun. I think I’m set for not going into another book store in Argentina, though I think I highly doubt that… [oh, how I miss the campus bookstore].
Luckily, this morning I overslept and missed my 8am class. Usually, I would freak out about missing class, but today I didn’t. Actually, I take that back. I woke up at around 8:30 and then stopped caring a second later, because by the time I got there, class would’ve ended anyway. So, I took my time this morning, getting ready. I was able to PROPERLY clean my piercing today with antibacterial, and not just overly spray it with the antibiotic stuff after showering.
I think I hate Thursdays. The classes I have on Thursdays vary in difficulty. Pan de Lit is more or less easy because I’m kind of specialized in literature; Intro is just an intro to film and film culture of Argentina so I’m learning things in it; and Aesthetics and Theories is mecha hard and LONG [2 and half hours].
The book I was looking for was actually for that class, the re-dificil class. Last minute, right? I was supposed to read it for this class, but I didn’t have the time to look for the book, after I went to 3 book stores earlier this week to find it.
Anyway… it’s an interesting book, now that class ended and we touched upon it a little. I’m getting more and more materials for Capstone, which I’m definitely excited about [kinda].
The things I do for class.
Week 08: Side Notes
Day 52: Letter to My Twin Soka Brothers and Sisters [2/5]
Fudgesicles, It’s only the second full month and I’m going insane… it’s okay. I’ve already gotten through being sick twice and severely depressed. It’s all downhill from here. I’ll make it through. Aaa… the hustle and bustle of being BUSY. Yay. So, here’s another entry dedicated to tips that could help YOU [whoever “you” may be] with your study abroad experience. This list was compiled by Erika, Maddy and I, a lot of it based on our travel to Mendoza.
I’ve realized study abroad is more than getting out of the Soka bubble to study. It’s to reach out to a whole new world that’s just as exciting and comforting as SUA. I just needed to open my eyes, take a step back and look for it. Classes are gradually getting harder, and I’ve even encountered my first being-called-on-in-class today. It’s crazy how much one can go through in a matter of mas o menos 50 days. Crazy.
I’m going to start filming a proto of a small project soon that I [might] have to do for one of my classes sobre Buenos Aires. I’ve been struck by inspiration and life, and hopefully that’ll come through in what I make. Living a life of creativity!
Best wishes to you fellow X-mates of MMX Dynasty.
P.S. I just counted… 1/3 of my study abroad has already gone by. Waaaaat!

The silent X.
- Be specific. Or else you’ll get something that you didn’t have in mind.
- If you don’t like being around smokers, make sure you write that on your housing application, or forever hold your nose.
- Carry toilet paper around with you. Whether it’s an entire roll or even a thing of tissues, bring it! Some bathrooms don’t have them in the stalls and instead have people that give you toilet paper and ask for tip.
- Always wear sunglasses. People won’t stare at you as much.
- Even if you mention you’re a vegetarian, you should say “No jamón.” Apparently they put ham on everything as if it were a vegetable.
- Bring feminine products enough for your study abroad. It can be pricey.
- Always at least a cama class on bus trips. Anything lower and you’ll be stuck with movies with sound shown without sound, gum everywhere, and an interesting meal…
- Pack extra socks. You never know when a rainy day will sogg-ify your socks…
- Plastic bags. They are versatile…even to keep your feet dry and warm.
- Don’t give Kusho alcohol [says Erika… ~_~;; poo…].
- Hostels are an experience everyone should have. Meet people who are also traveling, nice rooms and usually have tours that you can pay to do.
- Corollary to hostels: If you’re looking for a hostel online, DON’T always go with the one with best reviews and nice pictures. It can be deceiving.
- Bring your own office supplies. Ideally, post-its, paper clips, highlighters, note tabs, and one huge multi-subject notebook. It’s expensive…
- Start using military/24-hour time. It’ll make life a lot easier.
- Bring chopsticks if you prefer them over forks.
- Long-sleeved shirts are awesome for hiding money and your keys when in hand.
- On sidewalks, couples get the right of way. If one is walking towards you, move to the side. If you don’t, they’ll run you down, complete with fingers intertwined, arms linked and all.
- Buy a converter for your laptop and don’t forget to take it with you when you travel.
- Double check that you have cold meds, sinus/allergy meds, itch cream, acid reliever, and anything else that would help treat whatever medical problem you’ve ever had…
- Always carry an umbrella. Caution: umbrella traffic is terrible on rainy days.
- Remember how much everything is on the menu when you’re at a restaurant.
- No judgment, no slander, no fear. Open up and the world will open for you.
- Listen to music in the language you are studying. Seriously, 100 comprehension and vocabulary skill points right there.
- Be wary of fat pigeons.
- Believe it or not, a language button exists in your head and sometimes, it gets stuck in English. Fix it or else you’re in for hell. DX
- Always carry a Winning Life. You just never know who will approach you.
- Don’t stress, especially about things you can’t do anything about. It’s just more stress and physical strain. Think positive and you’ll get through.
- We are all ambassadors of SUA, whether we want to or not. There will always be people who want to know more about SUA and the values that are being created there. Represent.
- Traveling with other SUA people is fun. 8]
I’ve realized study abroad is more than getting out of the Soka bubble to study. It’s to reach out to a whole new world that’s just as exciting and comforting as SUA. I just needed to open my eyes, take a step back and look for it. Classes are gradually getting harder, and I’ve even encountered my first being-called-on-in-class today. It’s crazy how much one can go through in a matter of mas o menos 50 days. Crazy.
I’m going to start filming a proto of a small project soon that I [might] have to do for one of my classes sobre Buenos Aires. I’ve been struck by inspiration and life, and hopefully that’ll come through in what I make. Living a life of creativity!
Best wishes to you fellow X-mates of MMX Dynasty.
P.S. I just counted… 1/3 of my study abroad has already gone by. Waaaaat!
The silent X.
Day 50: No Joke…
Why did the pigeon cross the road? Because it was too fat to fly over to the other side. Literally, half the pigeons here are obese, like more than the percentage of obese Americans. No joke.
You know something hit me. I’m the SUA’s guinea pig for Butler’s film track in Buenos Aires. Up until now, I’ve only been caring about how everything I’m doing in the film track is affecting me when I should be taking note for future SUAers who will come to BsAs for the film track.
No joke…that’s the only profound thought I had today…
Clarification: this is the shortest entry I’ve written. X_x
No joke.
You know something hit me. I’m the SUA’s guinea pig for Butler’s film track in Buenos Aires. Up until now, I’ve only been caring about how everything I’m doing in the film track is affecting me when I should be taking note for future SUAers who will come to BsAs for the film track.
No joke…that’s the only profound thought I had today…
Clarification: this is the shortest entry I’ve written. X_x
No joke.
Week 08: Side Notes
Day 49: Sleepy Sundays
Yep…so I never really intended for Sundays to be Hikikomori days, where I just stay in my room and study, but it just so happened to turn out that way. And just as always, I never get anything tangible done. I get the thinking part down; I got the taking notes part over with…but to actually do an assignment, it’s almost mind-numbingly pointless.
I do the readings for class, and because I never usually have anything to contribute during discussions, I just sit and listen to the professor lecture. Granted, this is what I do at SUA, but could a class be anymore tiring than it already is? This week, I’ve realized just how draining it is to commute to class. I’ve always said it was a long walk to the subte and then a long walk from the subte, just to get to the university, but physically, it hit me hard.
I’ve been passing out on my bed the moment I get back home. It’s a nice break, an hour or so, and it gears me up for a night of studying. But, at the same time, it throws of my sleep schedule. A sleep later, then have to wake up early again. Although, it’s become routine for the past…9 years of my life [oh shit I feel old], it’s time to get back into rhythm with what my subconscious is telling me.
Anyway, motivation. It’s a hard thing to find, especially when you know there are better things to do. It’ll come around soon, I hope.
“Me gusta estar a un lado del camino // Fumando el humo mientras todo pasa // Me gusta abrir los ojos y estar vivo”
“I like to be on the side of the sidewalk, smoking away while everything passes by // I like to open my eyes and be alive” – “Al Lado del Camino” by Fito Paez
End – Week 7: Brave New World
I do the readings for class, and because I never usually have anything to contribute during discussions, I just sit and listen to the professor lecture. Granted, this is what I do at SUA, but could a class be anymore tiring than it already is? This week, I’ve realized just how draining it is to commute to class. I’ve always said it was a long walk to the subte and then a long walk from the subte, just to get to the university, but physically, it hit me hard.
I’ve been passing out on my bed the moment I get back home. It’s a nice break, an hour or so, and it gears me up for a night of studying. But, at the same time, it throws of my sleep schedule. A sleep later, then have to wake up early again. Although, it’s become routine for the past…9 years of my life [oh shit I feel old], it’s time to get back into rhythm with what my subconscious is telling me.
Anyway, motivation. It’s a hard thing to find, especially when you know there are better things to do. It’ll come around soon, I hope.
“Me gusta estar a un lado del camino // Fumando el humo mientras todo pasa // Me gusta abrir los ojos y estar vivo”
“I like to be on the side of the sidewalk, smoking away while everything passes by // I like to open my eyes and be alive” – “Al Lado del Camino” by Fito Paez
End – Week 7: Brave New World
Week 07: Brave New World
Day 48: Rain, Rain, Thanks Today, Don’t Come Back Another Day
Filming was canceled today. Due to rain.
Normally, I would be slightly disappointed, if not pissed, to have missed a day of filming, but because I could miss it today, I was able to go see sensei’s video. Yaay.
Erika and I went to the Asian market, to look for food. I totally wanted to buy everything there, but obviously couldn’t because I was gonna go to the kaikan afterwards… and it would’ve sucked to carry everything over there. XD So yes. We were walking in the rain and having fun getting wet by the overhangs.
We went to Erika’s district leader’s house, because she had said she would take us. We took a taxi over the kaikan. Entering through the gates is like entering into a familiar world. I totally felt like I left Argentina for a few hours. The video was pretty interesting. I remember comprehending a lot of it during the actual viewing, but I think I still need to work on retaining that comprehension. X_x
After I got back to my end of Buenos Aires, I had a pretty chill evening with a few people. While we were waiting for a table to get dinner at Humana, we met up with other people from our program. We were talking, waiting for our table…slightly cold [freezing]. So originally, we were supposed to eat around 9:30ish. We actually got in like an hour and 15 minutes later.
But it was worth it.
They had good food. Man, so much was put out on the table, both literally and metaphorically. I learned a lot about people that whom I knew, but didn’t really know. It was fun.
But, damn rain. Too cold for ice cream for me.
Normally, I would be slightly disappointed, if not pissed, to have missed a day of filming, but because I could miss it today, I was able to go see sensei’s video. Yaay.
Erika and I went to the Asian market, to look for food. I totally wanted to buy everything there, but obviously couldn’t because I was gonna go to the kaikan afterwards… and it would’ve sucked to carry everything over there. XD So yes. We were walking in the rain and having fun getting wet by the overhangs.
We went to Erika’s district leader’s house, because she had said she would take us. We took a taxi over the kaikan. Entering through the gates is like entering into a familiar world. I totally felt like I left Argentina for a few hours. The video was pretty interesting. I remember comprehending a lot of it during the actual viewing, but I think I still need to work on retaining that comprehension. X_x
After I got back to my end of Buenos Aires, I had a pretty chill evening with a few people. While we were waiting for a table to get dinner at Humana, we met up with other people from our program. We were talking, waiting for our table…slightly cold [freezing]. So originally, we were supposed to eat around 9:30ish. We actually got in like an hour and 15 minutes later.
But it was worth it.
They had good food. Man, so much was put out on the table, both literally and metaphorically. I learned a lot about people that whom I knew, but didn’t really know. It was fun.
But, damn rain. Too cold for ice cream for me.
Week 07: Brave New World
Day 47: Extra Step Necessary to Move On
Up until this point, I’ve come a long way. It’s not even halfway there yet, but I’ve had many difficulties, victories, and stories to tell about both. But, I think this week alone, I’ve had this sense of stability and assurance that I’m okay now. This week was about getting back into my old skin with a new mental self. Just as SUA’s hustle-and-bustle restarted for another year this week, I was hustling and bustling on a different path for myself.
I think I’ve finally let go of SUA. Not the memories that I have of SUA, but my dependency and my constant comparison between SUA and Buenos Aires. They are incomparable, two distinct and separate entities. Comparing two things between each other does nothing, especially in such an inevitable position such as study abroad.
Therefore, I took another step, beyond the hustle and bustle that SUA had me doing for the past two year that helped me grow to become more compassionate, more open, more positive. A step from the exterior self that I’ve created, and into my innermost being.
So, I got my eyebrow pierced today.

I went to the piercing parlor with Erika and a few of her friends [I met Kamron look-alike!] who were also getting something pierced. I was really nervous actually. I made my decision last-minute after Erika came out of the room with her ears pierced. !!! The lady was speaking to me in English. I was kind relieved, because I was so nervous, I don’t think Spanish would’ve gotten through to me [or maybe I was speaking in Spanish and I just don’t remember…].
But yea. It stung a little, but it was quick and easy. I was in and out. 30 pesos.
We had to go the pharmacy to pick up the solution and soap, so we stopped by there. It was funny because the four of us all bought the same things. Pretty funny.
When I got back home, I passed out. I don’t know why I was so tired, but when I woke up, I had forgotten I got my eyebrow pierced and it scared the shit outta me. Hahah.
Later tonight, I went to my friend’s house to watch two [actually 1 and a quarter] movies for class. This was the friend who had the slightly “racist” host mom. She was really nice and not at all as my friend described. She later told me that she was in one of her better moods today. Whew. Regardless, I was mentally ready, just in case anything happened.
But, afterwards when we stopped the second movie [because the quality was just too bad], we were just talking about life and music here in Buenos Aires. For the first time, since I’ve been here, I really thought that I didn’t want to leave Buenos Aires. That 5 months is slightly too short.
My subconscious is telling me to enjoy it while I can, to take that extra step.
I think I’ve finally let go of SUA. Not the memories that I have of SUA, but my dependency and my constant comparison between SUA and Buenos Aires. They are incomparable, two distinct and separate entities. Comparing two things between each other does nothing, especially in such an inevitable position such as study abroad.
Therefore, I took another step, beyond the hustle and bustle that SUA had me doing for the past two year that helped me grow to become more compassionate, more open, more positive. A step from the exterior self that I’ve created, and into my innermost being.
So, I got my eyebrow pierced today.

I went to the piercing parlor with Erika and a few of her friends [I met Kamron look-alike!] who were also getting something pierced. I was really nervous actually. I made my decision last-minute after Erika came out of the room with her ears pierced. !!! The lady was speaking to me in English. I was kind relieved, because I was so nervous, I don’t think Spanish would’ve gotten through to me [or maybe I was speaking in Spanish and I just don’t remember…].
But yea. It stung a little, but it was quick and easy. I was in and out. 30 pesos.
We had to go the pharmacy to pick up the solution and soap, so we stopped by there. It was funny because the four of us all bought the same things. Pretty funny.
When I got back home, I passed out. I don’t know why I was so tired, but when I woke up, I had forgotten I got my eyebrow pierced and it scared the shit outta me. Hahah.
Later tonight, I went to my friend’s house to watch two [actually 1 and a quarter] movies for class. This was the friend who had the slightly “racist” host mom. She was really nice and not at all as my friend described. She later told me that she was in one of her better moods today. Whew. Regardless, I was mentally ready, just in case anything happened.
But, afterwards when we stopped the second movie [because the quality was just too bad], we were just talking about life and music here in Buenos Aires. For the first time, since I’ve been here, I really thought that I didn’t want to leave Buenos Aires. That 5 months is slightly too short.
My subconscious is telling me to enjoy it while I can, to take that extra step.
Week 07: Brave New World
Day 46: Devoid of Any Opinion. So, This is What It’s Like to Be a Robot.
Having 3 classes in one day is…tiring. I don’t know how people do it. Of course, one class is 3 hours long…and the other one starts 8am so I have to get up at 6 to catch the train at 7… Mm, I guess it wouldn’t be so bad to have 3 classes at Soka, but here…it’s just so draining. Because I sit there. And listen.
But the classes are interesting. Just…the times suck.
I’ve never realized how philosophical cinema could be. But, when I think about it, how could I not realize that film was so philosophical, especially since it’s one of the age’s most innovative art form. It’s very interesting, and it makes me even happier that I’ve stuck with the Humanities concentration.
Perfect for my Capstone.
Aside from that, I’m learning things that I’ve already known in the practical aspect of my studies here. In a sense, it’s good to learn it in a classroom setting, just because it’s good to confirm and keep-in-check the things I know. On the other hand, it’s rather boring. But, I’m sure I’ll get something out of it.
Actually, this Saturday, I get to work with a camera with my group. It’s funny how the grouping worked out. This is one of the classes that’s required for the film track only, so it’s only COPA film track students. That’s eight of us. The professor just divided us in half with the alpha-order list. So, all the people who’ve never made a film got grouped into one, and all the people who have made a film got grouped in the other. Curious, isn’t it? XD
Filming will be interesting.
P.S. I think this is the shortest entry I’ve written thus far. I guess that’s what it means to be a robot.
But the classes are interesting. Just…the times suck.
I’ve never realized how philosophical cinema could be. But, when I think about it, how could I not realize that film was so philosophical, especially since it’s one of the age’s most innovative art form. It’s very interesting, and it makes me even happier that I’ve stuck with the Humanities concentration.
Perfect for my Capstone.
Aside from that, I’m learning things that I’ve already known in the practical aspect of my studies here. In a sense, it’s good to learn it in a classroom setting, just because it’s good to confirm and keep-in-check the things I know. On the other hand, it’s rather boring. But, I’m sure I’ll get something out of it.
Actually, this Saturday, I get to work with a camera with my group. It’s funny how the grouping worked out. This is one of the classes that’s required for the film track only, so it’s only COPA film track students. That’s eight of us. The professor just divided us in half with the alpha-order list. So, all the people who’ve never made a film got grouped into one, and all the people who have made a film got grouped in the other. Curious, isn’t it? XD
Filming will be interesting.
P.S. I think this is the shortest entry I’ve written thus far. I guess that’s what it means to be a robot.
Week 07: Brave New World
Day 45: Where Did the Month Go?
Hm… I have to write a mini capstone for my Aesthetics and Theory of Show Biz class… I only call this a mini capstone because my professor and everyone else in the class call it a thesis. So… wow.
It’s September… and Spring is here…
I’m busy like whoa. I don’t know what hit me. It’s like a sudden tsunami of readings, movies and assignments completely drowning me and taking me deep into the depths of academic suicide. Luckily for me, I’ve bought myself a month’s worth of rice crackers from the oriental mart. I’m set for late nights [like tonight].
This is my break actually…
Today after all of my classes, a few friends and I went to watch a movie for class. It was fun walking around the city with them and getting to know each other more outside of the classroom setting. Definitely enjoyable to have coffee and discuss movies with them. Btw, McDonald’s food here is much better than in the states. Hands down.
I’m actually, really tired…but I feel this will be my first all-nighter here. To prevent this from ever happening again, I’m going to start my homework on weekends, as I had proposed to myself before classes even started.
I checked my email today, and it was amazingly full of mass emails from SUA. It made me sad. But, it has great meaning.
My life here is picking up, just as everyone else’s at SUA. Yay. We’re on track.
Okay, back to work…
P.S, here are some pics of the fotocopiadora. XD The land of cheap photocopies.

It’s September… and Spring is here…
I’m busy like whoa. I don’t know what hit me. It’s like a sudden tsunami of readings, movies and assignments completely drowning me and taking me deep into the depths of academic suicide. Luckily for me, I’ve bought myself a month’s worth of rice crackers from the oriental mart. I’m set for late nights [like tonight].
This is my break actually…
Today after all of my classes, a few friends and I went to watch a movie for class. It was fun walking around the city with them and getting to know each other more outside of the classroom setting. Definitely enjoyable to have coffee and discuss movies with them. Btw, McDonald’s food here is much better than in the states. Hands down.
I’m actually, really tired…but I feel this will be my first all-nighter here. To prevent this from ever happening again, I’m going to start my homework on weekends, as I had proposed to myself before classes even started.
I checked my email today, and it was amazingly full of mass emails from SUA. It made me sad. But, it has great meaning.
My life here is picking up, just as everyone else’s at SUA. Yay. We’re on track.
Okay, back to work…
P.S, here are some pics of the fotocopiadora. XD The land of cheap photocopies.
Week 07: Brave New World
Day 43: Like an SOS Signal That’s Finally Gotten Some Attention
When I walked out this morning from the building, I felt like I was stepping out into Buenos Aires for the first time. The world seemed like a different place, but at the same time, there was something nostalgic about it. The air was the same, but the way it lingered was different; the buildings were all the same, but the way they glowed under the sun was different. Everything was a whole new uplifting experience. It was almost too unreal to be happening…
Something was waiting for me…
I had left in the first place in order to get some major housekeeping done for my program. Today was the deadline to turn in all final registration forms so that we can get our transcripts at the end of the semester. So, I had to go to FUC first to see if I can figure out the other professors’ names that I wasn’t able to get. Turns out, they didn’t know who taught what at the office, and I didn’t want to bother waiting at the student center to find out. So, I left and went to the copiadora to print out the form and find some materials for class.
Luckily, I was able to find a syllabus for the one class that was absolutely confusing me [where people were writing theses for evaluation and stuff]. So, I’m on par with that class now. Kinda…
I printed out the paper and went to look for my program office, which I hadn’t been to before. It was an adventure… big streets and all. Luckily, I ran into someone else from my program and so we found the place. It was like a regular office building…and really high-class ish and secure. So, I got all that done, turning in my form.
I was really tired by then, but I had class. So I got back to FUC and I was soooo happy to see that two other people from my program were in the same class. This is the one class that was supposed to be on Wednesdays, but the one commission I was in changed to its original schedule [to Mondays], so the other people were torn whether to take the Friday one or this one, so luckily, I had comrades.
This class was actually interesting. I’m really beginning to think that philosophy is easier to understand in Spanish, and it’s more interesting too. Or rather, maybe it’s because it’s about art and aesthetics. Soka should have more classes like that, concentrating on the arts. It’s important, you know. If filmmaking falls through, maybe I’ll get a degree in teaching art & philosophy at SUA. Hahaha. ONLY KIDDING.
Afterwards, I needed to find 2 movies that I needed to watch by tomorrow. La Ciénaga and La Niña Santa. It was REALLY stupid of me to leave this to the day before. When I went to Liberarte, supposedly one of the best video rental places in Buenos Aires, all the copies were rented out… I was shit outta luck. So, I tried looking online to find some bootleg copy. Angela helped me find a site that had a download for La Ciénaga pero half the links were expired, so I couldn’t get them.
I’m hoping I could suffice with just reading the detailed synopses of these, and learn from this experience…to never wait till the last moment.
Arg, today was a busy and tiring day. Too much to do, still stressing out, but still striving forward, I really thought my days would drag along like this for the rest of my study abroad. I didn’t know how I could even travel with an academic load like this. But, then I remembered, I have unlimited potential that I just need to unlock within me.
So, it’s been, give or take, a month since I’ve last gotten in touch with SGI here about trying to find a district that I can go to meetings for. Today, was the day I got the call. However, I can’t go because I have class. But, I was able to make a connection.
Like an SOS signal that’s finally gotten some attention.
Something was waiting for me…
I had left in the first place in order to get some major housekeeping done for my program. Today was the deadline to turn in all final registration forms so that we can get our transcripts at the end of the semester. So, I had to go to FUC first to see if I can figure out the other professors’ names that I wasn’t able to get. Turns out, they didn’t know who taught what at the office, and I didn’t want to bother waiting at the student center to find out. So, I left and went to the copiadora to print out the form and find some materials for class.
Luckily, I was able to find a syllabus for the one class that was absolutely confusing me [where people were writing theses for evaluation and stuff]. So, I’m on par with that class now. Kinda…
I printed out the paper and went to look for my program office, which I hadn’t been to before. It was an adventure… big streets and all. Luckily, I ran into someone else from my program and so we found the place. It was like a regular office building…and really high-class ish and secure. So, I got all that done, turning in my form.
I was really tired by then, but I had class. So I got back to FUC and I was soooo happy to see that two other people from my program were in the same class. This is the one class that was supposed to be on Wednesdays, but the one commission I was in changed to its original schedule [to Mondays], so the other people were torn whether to take the Friday one or this one, so luckily, I had comrades.
This class was actually interesting. I’m really beginning to think that philosophy is easier to understand in Spanish, and it’s more interesting too. Or rather, maybe it’s because it’s about art and aesthetics. Soka should have more classes like that, concentrating on the arts. It’s important, you know. If filmmaking falls through, maybe I’ll get a degree in teaching art & philosophy at SUA. Hahaha. ONLY KIDDING.
Afterwards, I needed to find 2 movies that I needed to watch by tomorrow. La Ciénaga and La Niña Santa. It was REALLY stupid of me to leave this to the day before. When I went to Liberarte, supposedly one of the best video rental places in Buenos Aires, all the copies were rented out… I was shit outta luck. So, I tried looking online to find some bootleg copy. Angela helped me find a site that had a download for La Ciénaga pero half the links were expired, so I couldn’t get them.
I’m hoping I could suffice with just reading the detailed synopses of these, and learn from this experience…to never wait till the last moment.
Arg, today was a busy and tiring day. Too much to do, still stressing out, but still striving forward, I really thought my days would drag along like this for the rest of my study abroad. I didn’t know how I could even travel with an academic load like this. But, then I remembered, I have unlimited potential that I just need to unlock within me.
So, it’s been, give or take, a month since I’ve last gotten in touch with SGI here about trying to find a district that I can go to meetings for. Today, was the day I got the call. However, I can’t go because I have class. But, I was able to make a connection.
Like an SOS signal that’s finally gotten some attention.
Week 07: Brave New World
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