Day 62: Fall 2008 SUA Buenos Aires, Argentina Study Abroaders UNITE!

Finally, Buenos Aires study abroaders from Soka UNITED!

It didn’t occur to me till now just how much all of us are growing from study abroad. It’s so crazy. People can actually change in the span of a few months.

Erika and I first met up in the Juramento Plaza where they had a feria. I walked into the plaza and I thought it was…snowing. Turns out it was just stuff from the trees drifting down. XD Yep, so we walked around the feria looking at what they were selling and then we met up with Kelsey.

We ate at a place near the plaza where beef was less than $8. And it was good. Really good. Mm. I’m craving it now. Anyway, it was great to be able to talk about Argentina and sharing the where-to’s, the how-to’s and places that are good to visit. It also brought back a little touch of home, SUA, for all of us I’m sure.

Hearing things about Salta, especially, made me want to visit once before I go back. It’s a 20-hour bus ride, so it’s kinda far… kinda.

I can’t believe their program is almost over… I still have nearly another 2 months after they’re done. It’s insane. They get to go off and travel.

I have classes, midterms, and finals.


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